Camera switching

While there can only be one target camera in an MR set at any given time, an MR Set can contain multiple cameras that can be switched between using an Indirection Controller.


The target camera of an MR set determines the video input being routed to the MR set. However, multiple cameras can be added into an MR set.


Camera switching in xR requires all delays in the system to be compensated for perfectly, so that all parts of the output switch view in the same frame. This requires introducing a delay between the user requesting a switch, and the switch being visible in the output.

Please note: Delays must be perfect to then get in sync switching

Inside disguise Controller we have 6 Indirection Controller Types:

  • DMXIndirectionController
  • ListIndirectionController
  • MachineListIndirectionController
  • ManualIndirectionController
  • SequencedIndirectionController
  • OSCIndirectionController
  • UDPIndirectionController

These allow multiple protocols to be used to switch the active camera inside disguise, as well as non-external trigger based.