The indirection control module allows indirections to be sequenced on the timeline. One Indirection control module controls one indirection.
The indirection control module is implemented with two new classes:
SequencedIndirectionController: The controller added to control the indirection
IndirectionControl module: The module used for sequencing the indirection on the timeline
The indirection control module updates the selected SequencedIndirectionController when it hits a new keyframe.
The process used to create/sequence IndirectionControl commands is done by placing keyframes on the Resource keyframe editor.
Add a video layer.
In the video layer editor, expand the Media section and left-click None to open the VideoClip editor.
Create a New indirection by typing in the input field and clicking OK.
Add a controller by clicking None and by typing in the input field and clicking OK.
Select SequenceIndirectionController.
Create an IndirectionControl layer on the timeline in the same section as the video layer.
Select the SequenceIndirectionController.
Activate the Resource property keyframe editor.
Add media to the keyframe editor.