Compositing layers
Arrows provide a way of compositing multiple layers together. For instance, you could take the output of a Video layer and pipe it into a Scroll layer, to scroll the video from side to side.
Multiple layers can be chained together, so for example, you could take the output of the Scroll layer and pipe it into a SpinBitmap layer.
To create an arrow between two layers, make sure the source layer is below the destination layer in the layer stack (because layers are rendered from the bottom up).
Position the cursor over the source layer, hold down the Alt key, press the mouse button and drag away from the source layer. You will see an arrow appear that is following the cursor.
Now move the mouse cursor to the destination layer and release the mouse button. This will create a new arrow between the source and destination layers.
Scrolling video content created by using an Arrow to pipe a Video layer into a Scroll layer
To remove an arrow, hold down the Alt key and right click the root of the arrow.
Arrow-supported layers
All content layers can be used for piping in content into another layer. However, not all layers support being piped into.
Currently, only the Bitmap and Effect Layers can be piped into.