Using drive
Set up a drive
When you create an organisation a primary drive is automatically created for you with the name of your organisation. Primary drives are indicated as such by a star icon in the Drive table in the Management area.
To add another Drive you will need to be on a paid plan.
If you want to add more drives:
On your Drive page, click on the + New icon and name the drive.
Alternatively, here is a second method to create a drive:
Click on the Drives tab if it is not the current tab.
Click on the Create a Drive button.
Type the drive name in the Drive Name field.
Click on the Create button.
To configure your drive, click on the Update button. Or if you’d rather do this at a later stage, click on Not Now.
Rename a drive
To rename a drive, click on Settings in Drive Settings.
To change the title, click on Update, type the new name, and then click Save.
Create a folder
To create a folder in your drive, click on the plus icon [+] next to Folders below your drive name.
Type the name for your new folder in the Folder Name text field and click Create.
Rename a folder
To rename a folder, click on the "..." symbol below OPTIONS in the drive details view.
Click Rename.
Type the new name for your new folder in the Rename Asset field and click the Rename Asset button.
Delete a folder
To delete a folder, click on the "..." symbol below OPTIONS in the drive details view.
Click Delete.
Click on the Delete Asset button to confirm you want to delete the folder.